Monday, August 6, 2012

7 months

Dear Emerson,
You are now 7 months old. Your personality shines through so much more every day! You had your first ear infection, celebrated your first fourth of July, you are a Rollin machine and you love to jump.
You are still sleeping a full 12 hours at night, sometimes we have to go in an wake you up after 9am so your day can begin. Your wake time is 1 hour in the morning, an hr and a half after that and than about 45 minutes between 6-7 pm. You can stay awake longer than 3 hours for church, but by the end of it you are wiped out.
You have started to get up on your knees, wanting to crawl, to try and get stuff that is out of your reach.
Your bald spot is filling in more, although your hair is still wanting to grow upwards and so you often get called a boy :( It makes me so sad. We dress you like a girl and you have a pink carseat, but random strangers will compliment me on "how cute he is". I think very soon we might pierce your ears.
You can blow raspberries with your mouth, squeal like crazy, clap & when you get excited you scream haha. We've had to take you into the nursery more often now at church. You love it. We left you in there for the first time (only for about 20 mins) with Krissy and Brittany and you did great.
We're still feeding you a bottle 5 times a day and 2 servings of solids, you love any of the Gerber stage 2 1/2 textures.
Mom is finishing up 2 summer classes and so you play with Jonah at Krissys house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mom has 2 more semesters left and than she will have her Bachelors degree. You love playing at the Lawrence's house and Jonah even gives you kisses already haha!
You have your two bottom teeth and I'm pretty sure you are getting your two top coming through. You randomly get fussy and orajel seems to help.
Your Dad gets another day off during the week for the time being so he gets to spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday with you. You absolutely adore him.
We have been going on a walk together every night while it's been so warm out. You love being in the stroller and looking around. You are so cute.
We love you so much & are so excited watching you grow and grow. Some days we can't believe how big you are getting already and how fast you are growing.