Phase 2: Very Low Calorie Diet-
This phase will begin immediately following the "Gorging" phase.
This phase is the bulk of the protocol and the primary "Diet." In this phase you will begin the VLCD (very low calorie diet) of 500 calories per day. During this Phase you will be taking the drops under your tongue, 10 drops 3 times a day.
Now don't be alarmed when I say "You can only eat 500 calories a day." It may sound extreme, but you must realize that if you were to eat only 500 calories and not take the HCG your body would go into starvation and in truth you would probably get really sick and die.
**Important- You will need to buy 2 things.
1. A scale that shows your weight down to hundredths and
2. A scale to weigh your chicken, fish or steak in GRAMS.
(Target has a glass food scale that I recommend)
For the body weight scale, you need to make sure it shows your weight with decimal places. This would mean a scale that shows not only your weight at "222 Pounds" but also shows "222.4" this is crucial in tracking your gain or losses with our daily tracker.
The beautiful thing about HCG is that it does not break down your muscles, or cause you to loose the muscles you have built. The HCG uses your fat to sustain you during the Phase 2 Protocol.
When you are taking the HCG it will destroy your hunger and supply you with sufficient energy to do even the most labor intensive activities.
However keep in mind, during this phase your body is burning up to 2500 calories a day just with the HCG! No exercise required, however light exercise and walking is encouraged!
CHEATING on this diet will result badly in every way. You MUST follow each protocol exactly; and if you do, we promise you will not regret the results!
When you purchase your HCG from us, you receive full manuals on what to eat, when to eat, and how to eat. This will not only help your view of what food is for, but will teach your proper techniques in keeping the weight off.
Phase 2 does require that you adjust certain aspects of your life temporarily. For instance during either the 21 day or 40 day protocol, you must make sure that you are following the instructions given in regards to lotions, makeup, soaps and shampoos.
Generally any shampoo is allowed on the protocol, however you must make sure to wash it out thoroughly. For body soaps you are encouraged to use soaps without oils and fats, such body soap - such are DOVE or DIAL.
You will also need to change your toothpaste over to a natural toothpaste such as TOMS natural toothpaste.
One other thing TO AVOID IS perfume or cologne directly on your skin. You will also need an all natural deodorant, such as TOMS or even DEGREE is fine to use. The purpose for the change in cosmetics is due to the fact that your body will do all that it can to absorb any fats that are put directly on your skin.
You will do this Phase for either the 21 day cycle, or the 40 day cycle. Be sure to use a weight tracker (provided on our website here) to keep track of your loss!