Dear Emerson,
You are now 7 months old. Your personality shines through so much more every day! You had your first ear infection, celebrated your first fourth of July, you are a Rollin machine and you love to jump.
You are still sleeping a full 12 hours at night, sometimes we have to go in an wake you up after 9am so your day can begin. Your wake time is 1 hour in the morning, an hr and a half after that and than about 45 minutes between 6-7 pm. You can stay awake longer than 3 hours for church, but by the end of it you are wiped out.
You have started to get up on your knees, wanting to crawl, to try and get stuff that is out of your reach.
Your bald spot is filling in more, although your hair is still wanting to grow upwards and so you often get called a boy :( It makes me so sad. We dress you like a girl and you have a pink carseat, but random strangers will compliment me on "how cute he is". I think very soon we might pierce your ears.
You can blow raspberries with your mouth, squeal like crazy, clap & when you get excited you scream haha. We've had to take you into the nursery more often now at church. You love it. We left you in there for the first time (only for about 20 mins) with Krissy and Brittany and you did great.
We're still feeding you a bottle 5 times a day and 2 servings of solids, you love any of the Gerber stage 2 1/2 textures.
Mom is finishing up 2 summer classes and so you play with Jonah at Krissys house on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Mom has 2 more semesters left and than she will have her Bachelors degree. You love playing at the Lawrence's house and Jonah even gives you kisses already haha!
You have your two bottom teeth and I'm pretty sure you are getting your two top coming through. You randomly get fussy and orajel seems to help.
Your Dad gets another day off during the week for the time being so he gets to spend Saturday, Sunday and Monday with you. You absolutely adore him.
We have been going on a walk together every night while it's been so warm out. You love being in the stroller and looking around. You are so cute.
We love you so much & are so excited watching you grow and grow. Some days we can't believe how big you are getting already and how fast you are growing.

MY HCG UT is based out of Salt Lake City, Utah.
We provide oral HCG drops and we believe in a Quality Product at a Quality Price.
Visit us at : MY HCG UT.COM
Monday, August 6, 2012
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hey all! We just added some new products to our website that we are VERY excited about!

We added a 3oz combo deal (1oz + 2oz bottle) for ONLY $129.99. This is perfect for those of you who want to loose a total of 60 pounds but don't want to spend a FORTUNE.

Also, we added our HCG Amino Plus Weight Loss Manual, both soft cover and e-book. The soft cover is $19.99 (normally $24.99) and the e-book is on sale for $9.99.
AND last but not least - we are now selling Vitamin B12 total drops! These retail for $20 and we are offering them for $16.99. These drops are great!

Our superior B-Vitamin Complex is in liquid drop form so that it is easy to take under your tongue and is just as strong as a B-12 injection. The B-vitamins turn the food you eat into ENERGY by converting carbohydrates into glucose. Taking the B-Total Solution helps combat the effects of stress. When deficient, your body will take B-vitamins from your nervous system. The stress of daily living takes a toll on our nerves, glands and hormones and may increase the need for B-vitamins.
Vitamin B-12 deficiency may be underestimated in the general population. Along with the elderly and vegetarians, high risk groups include those with immune deficiencies, absorption problems or suffering from alcoholism or dementia. Studies have linked B-12 deficiency to abnormalities in immune response and neurological function.
Studies have shown that B-Vitamins have been linked to improved health inclduing your cardiovascular system, lowers ricks of some cancers, improved moods, prevents depression, decreases blood pressure and more.

We added a 3oz combo deal (1oz + 2oz bottle) for ONLY $129.99. This is perfect for those of you who want to loose a total of 60 pounds but don't want to spend a FORTUNE.

Also, we added our HCG Amino Plus Weight Loss Manual, both soft cover and e-book. The soft cover is $19.99 (normally $24.99) and the e-book is on sale for $9.99.
AND last but not least - we are now selling Vitamin B12 total drops! These retail for $20 and we are offering them for $16.99. These drops are great!

Our superior B-Vitamin Complex is in liquid drop form so that it is easy to take under your tongue and is just as strong as a B-12 injection. The B-vitamins turn the food you eat into ENERGY by converting carbohydrates into glucose. Taking the B-Total Solution helps combat the effects of stress. When deficient, your body will take B-vitamins from your nervous system. The stress of daily living takes a toll on our nerves, glands and hormones and may increase the need for B-vitamins.
Vitamin B-12 deficiency may be underestimated in the general population. Along with the elderly and vegetarians, high risk groups include those with immune deficiencies, absorption problems or suffering from alcoholism or dementia. Studies have linked B-12 deficiency to abnormalities in immune response and neurological function.
Studies have shown that B-Vitamins have been linked to improved health inclduing your cardiovascular system, lowers ricks of some cancers, improved moods, prevents depression, decreases blood pressure and more.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
1. Cook your meals ahead of time whenever possible. Do not wait until the last minute to decide what you are going to eat.
2. If you are cooking something different for your family, cook and eat your food first so that you are not tempted to “Cheat”.
3. Drink 8 ounces of water 30 minutes before eating.
4. When you are hungry, wait for 15 minutes before you eat. Most of the time your hunger will go away.
5. If you cannot get away from the feeling of hunger, purchase some high quality fiber that you can mix with water. Drink the fiber 30 minutes before meals. It will give you a feeling of being “full”.
6. Share your plans with your friends, family and co-workers. Make them aware of what you are doing and ask them for help. Having their help will stop them from inadvertently tempting you. Their additional encouragement will go along way as you begin.
7. Eat spicier food. You will feel more satisfied after each meal.
8. Take the time plan out your meals.
9. Go and do your food shopping right after you have eaten. Going on a full stomach make other foods less desirable.
10. Eat soups that are made in a broth base. This will give you a warm feeling of being “filled” without stuffing you with solid foods that are harder to process.
11. Water is very important. Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood and 70% of your muscle is water. If you don't drink enough water, it will be difficult for you to lose weight. Lack of liquid in an organism slows down the metabolic process, and can lead to a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, which results in weakness and dizziness. Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your skin and hair.
12. Having good foods on hand. Make sure that your fridge is always stocked with fresh healthy foods. Premix some ice tea or other drink for some variety. Have some veggies or an apple precut and ready as a mid afternoon snack.
13.Look up restaurants on line before you go so see their menu. Know that you can always have them cook their dishes to meet your needs. Do not settle for something that will work against you. They want to make you happy. Just ask.
14. Work to feel good. Pull your shoulders back, walk with your head held high. Wear clothing that shows your thinner parts like your neck line or your wrists. Be excited about new clothes. Don’t be afraid to go into a store and try on smaller clothing as you see the weight drop. This can have very motivating effect, especially on days that you don’t feel like dieting.
15. Know that you are not alone. Know that you can do this!
1. Cook your meals ahead of time whenever possible. Do not wait until the last minute to decide what you are going to eat.
2. If you are cooking something different for your family, cook and eat your food first so that you are not tempted to “Cheat”.
3. Drink 8 ounces of water 30 minutes before eating.
4. When you are hungry, wait for 15 minutes before you eat. Most of the time your hunger will go away.
5. If you cannot get away from the feeling of hunger, purchase some high quality fiber that you can mix with water. Drink the fiber 30 minutes before meals. It will give you a feeling of being “full”.
6. Share your plans with your friends, family and co-workers. Make them aware of what you are doing and ask them for help. Having their help will stop them from inadvertently tempting you. Their additional encouragement will go along way as you begin.
7. Eat spicier food. You will feel more satisfied after each meal.
8. Take the time plan out your meals.
9. Go and do your food shopping right after you have eaten. Going on a full stomach make other foods less desirable.
10. Eat soups that are made in a broth base. This will give you a warm feeling of being “filled” without stuffing you with solid foods that are harder to process.
11. Water is very important. Approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood and 70% of your muscle is water. If you don't drink enough water, it will be difficult for you to lose weight. Lack of liquid in an organism slows down the metabolic process, and can lead to a decrease in the level of glucose in the blood, which results in weakness and dizziness. Water helps remove the dangerous toxins that your body takes in from the air you breathe, the food you eat and the chemicals used in the various products you use on your skin and hair.
12. Having good foods on hand. Make sure that your fridge is always stocked with fresh healthy foods. Premix some ice tea or other drink for some variety. Have some veggies or an apple precut and ready as a mid afternoon snack.
13.Look up restaurants on line before you go so see their menu. Know that you can always have them cook their dishes to meet your needs. Do not settle for something that will work against you. They want to make you happy. Just ask.
14. Work to feel good. Pull your shoulders back, walk with your head held high. Wear clothing that shows your thinner parts like your neck line or your wrists. Be excited about new clothes. Don’t be afraid to go into a store and try on smaller clothing as you see the weight drop. This can have very motivating effect, especially on days that you don’t feel like dieting.
15. Know that you are not alone. Know that you can do this!
Tips on Managing Stalls/Gains
1. Watch what you’re eating; you should have a food journal and you might find patterns of foods that cause you not to lose, or to lose fantastically. A lot of people have had problems losing with tomatoes and oranges (but some people have no problem at all). Every body is different and you need to monitor your own body and see what works (and doesn’t work) for you.
2. Make sure you are drinking enough water (at least 2 liters a day).
3. Those that have held true to the diet and not cheated, have been rewarded with a large weight reduction when it finally drops. You will usually resume your previous average loss before the stall.
4. Each time you stall, take your measurements; you have probably lost inches (remember it is called Pounds and INCHES).
5. You could gain some weight and not have cheated, depending on your menses, ovulation, and hormones. Almost all of us have seen the scale go up due to water retention, etc.
6. If you eat more salt in the food you prepare, and your body isn't used to that sodium level, your blood volume will increase to handle the extra salt, which will translate into a gain because you're retaining water to boost that blood volume. In other words, watch your salt intake.
7. Remember what Simeons said about losing. You lose fat from the body cells but the cells do not disappear at the same time. The cell structure is still present for two to three days while the body breaks down the cellulose and fills the cell with water in order to release it (through urine). Once the fat cell is removed, the scale will drop.
8. Sensitivity/allergies to foods (like lemons) may cause weight stalls. Listen to your body. The guru is you!
9. Pay attention to weight gains, they usually signify a mishap in the protocol, like not drinking enough water, eating too many/too few calories, too much salt, or (inadvertently) eating foods not allowed on the protocol.
10. Be careful, spices have calories. As long as the serving size listed has less than 5 calories, the company can list 0 calories (even though it may actually have 4). Usually spices and seasonings use 1/4 of a teaspoon as their serving size, so BE CAREFUL...4 calories in 1/4 teaspoon = 16 calories in 1 teaspoon. Account for every calorie, no matter how miniscule it may seem. Here is an exact calorie count per TABLESPOON of various spices:
1TB Onion Powder = 22.54 calories
1TB Garlic Powder = 27.91 calories
1TB Chili Powder = 23.55 calories
1TB Paprica = 19.94 calories
1TB Poltry Season = 11.36 calories
1TB Oregano = 13.77 calories
11. Weight gains/stalls may take a few days to kick in. For example, you could mix your veggies for a few days and assume there is no problem based on what the scale reads, but then a stall or gain can suddenly reflect the breaking of the rules. Many people believe a stall comes out of nowhere, but it is usually instigated by something (if not a previous weight set point).
12 It is important to know that what works for one person does NOT mean it will work for everyone; to prevent stalls/gains simply do not make changes to Dr. Simeons protocol just because someone else is losing with that modification.
13. In women, menstrual periods increase water retention, and water weight shows on the scale. If you know you are following the plan and are not cheating, you just need to accept that the stall/gain is temporary and continue to follow the protocol. The drop will happen once the menstrual cycle is normalized in the body.
14. If you are following Dr. Simeons to a "T" and have no other explanations for a stall/gain, look at your life and the levels of stress. Stress causes cortisol which hinders weight loss and/or causes you to gain weight. Try to remain calm and stress-free.
Tips to Manage Cheating
1. Do NOT cheat, you will regret are a few words of wisdoms from other users who have cheated in the past.
Well, guys, it all started with a Mango Mai Tai served in a martini
glass. This was Saturday. I ate a quesadilla, an extra serving of
steak, an extra apple, and so on. This is my second cheating round!
Shoot! I was doing so well, too! I was down twenty pounds... Anyway,
it ended with White Castles. Woe is me... LOL.
* * * * * * * * *
Hello Friends,
Yes I succumbed to the cheating monster. Tuesday I ate a huge
lunch and then Wednesday I ate a huge dinner. Thursday I was up 4 lbs.
This morning I was up another 3 pounds. Now if you don't think 7 pounds
is a big deal let's look at it another way. 7 lbs. = over one week of
weight loss GONE. Think about it. All the effort you have gone
thru to buy and prepare special meals for yourself. All the hard work
of not eating foods that are off limits. All the effort of drinking a
whoooooole gallon of water everyday so that you slosh when you
Another way of looking at it is that I (for me anyway} was in
control of what I put in my mouth and I darn well am going to eat what I
want when I want it. But after I cheated the second day I knew that the
food was in charge and did I want that? Heck no!! I want to lose
weight and be healthy and skinny!! To do that I need to follow Dr. S’
Cheating was a waste of time, of weight loss and of course money.
I hope my saga helps someone because that is what these posts we
make are all about.
2. Do not be afraid of cheating--you have complete control whether you give into temptation or not. Just because someone else has cheated does not mean you will cheat as well. Many, many people have done the protocol without cheating, and you can too. Prepare yourself for the fact that you will *want* to cheat, but *acting* on the thought is your solely decision.
3. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
4. Do NOT cheat, this cannot be stated enough, it is a waste of time and money and NOT WORTH IT! Also know that if you cheat, you will gain more than you would not on hCG.
5. To get your mind off of wanting to cheat, focus your attention on something else. You can take a walk, go to the library, movie theater, or visit with friends. It is also nice to find a support system, whether it be through an online group (visit here), a buddy who is following the diet with you, family member(s), etc. Just make sure you have someone to stop you from cheating.
6. Create a cabinet in your kitchen which supports your diet. Store your teas, Stevia, Apple Cider Vinegar, Grissini/Melba, fruit, etc. and use this special place to “snack” with items that are all allowed on the protocol.
7. Do NOT create your own substitutions. Dr. Simeons created a specific list of foods to eat and studied each food intensely. If you start making substitutions, then Dr Simeons' protocol becomes weaker and weaker, and eventually will become completely ineffective. It is the substitutions to the protocol that give the program a bad reputation; it needs to be precisely followed.
8. Do not interfere with your own weight loss success by not following the protocol! Dr Simeons' program eliminates and/or reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings. However, if sugar and carbohydrates remain in your diet (except for the allowed starch), you are not allowing your body to cleanse and your hypothalamus to reset. These are the key to lifelong success.
9. You don't need to understand why something will or will not work with the Simeons plan. There are many unexplainable factors to the program, you just need to know that substitutions to the protocol causes weight loss to slow. Just because something doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean you should change it. Do not expect to have the results produced on the Simeons protocol if you do not follow the Simeons protocol.
10. Expect to have cravings, be hungry, and moody and expect to want to cheat. These expectations will let you be prepared to control the cravings, hunger, moods, and cheats. Prepare yourself for these feelings, but know that the decision to deviate is yours...stay strong and remember that only you are accountable for everything you put into your mouth.
11. When you feel a craving coming on, go and brush your teeth; this should help the craving pass.
12. Don't disappoint Dr. Simeons, he would not let someone remain on the hCG protocol if he/she cheated more than three times. You need to commit to the program and stay with it!
13. The only way to fix a cheat is to get back on track and tell yourself that you will not cheat. The more you tell yourself that you cannot cheat, the stronger you should feel. If you allow yourself a bite of something, you have already cheated, and you should never make that allowance.
14. When you use food as an emotional crutch, you will find it difficult to cope without that crutch while on the VLCD. You need to fill the empty spot with something healthy that you can enjoy, both on and off the protocol. This will not only reduce cravings, but also help you maintain your new healthy weight. Some possibilities include crafting, painting, walking, gardening.
15. If you go forward and cheat, you have to take responsibility for that cheat. You should feel guilty and unsatisfied, and you will pay for the cheat for three to five days. This can be 3-5 days of the scale going up, or staying the same. You have to pay for your mistakes, and it sure is time consuming. There is nothing you can do except stop cheating and vow to yourself that you will not cheat again.
2. Make sure you are drinking enough water (at least 2 liters a day).
3. Those that have held true to the diet and not cheated, have been rewarded with a large weight reduction when it finally drops. You will usually resume your previous average loss before the stall.
4. Each time you stall, take your measurements; you have probably lost inches (remember it is called Pounds and INCHES).
5. You could gain some weight and not have cheated, depending on your menses, ovulation, and hormones. Almost all of us have seen the scale go up due to water retention, etc.
6. If you eat more salt in the food you prepare, and your body isn't used to that sodium level, your blood volume will increase to handle the extra salt, which will translate into a gain because you're retaining water to boost that blood volume. In other words, watch your salt intake.
7. Remember what Simeons said about losing. You lose fat from the body cells but the cells do not disappear at the same time. The cell structure is still present for two to three days while the body breaks down the cellulose and fills the cell with water in order to release it (through urine). Once the fat cell is removed, the scale will drop.
8. Sensitivity/allergies to foods (like lemons) may cause weight stalls. Listen to your body. The guru is you!
9. Pay attention to weight gains, they usually signify a mishap in the protocol, like not drinking enough water, eating too many/too few calories, too much salt, or (inadvertently) eating foods not allowed on the protocol.
10. Be careful, spices have calories. As long as the serving size listed has less than 5 calories, the company can list 0 calories (even though it may actually have 4). Usually spices and seasonings use 1/4 of a teaspoon as their serving size, so BE CAREFUL...4 calories in 1/4 teaspoon = 16 calories in 1 teaspoon. Account for every calorie, no matter how miniscule it may seem. Here is an exact calorie count per TABLESPOON of various spices:
1TB Onion Powder = 22.54 calories
1TB Garlic Powder = 27.91 calories
1TB Chili Powder = 23.55 calories
1TB Paprica = 19.94 calories
1TB Poltry Season = 11.36 calories
1TB Oregano = 13.77 calories
11. Weight gains/stalls may take a few days to kick in. For example, you could mix your veggies for a few days and assume there is no problem based on what the scale reads, but then a stall or gain can suddenly reflect the breaking of the rules. Many people believe a stall comes out of nowhere, but it is usually instigated by something (if not a previous weight set point).
12 It is important to know that what works for one person does NOT mean it will work for everyone; to prevent stalls/gains simply do not make changes to Dr. Simeons protocol just because someone else is losing with that modification.
13. In women, menstrual periods increase water retention, and water weight shows on the scale. If you know you are following the plan and are not cheating, you just need to accept that the stall/gain is temporary and continue to follow the protocol. The drop will happen once the menstrual cycle is normalized in the body.
14. If you are following Dr. Simeons to a "T" and have no other explanations for a stall/gain, look at your life and the levels of stress. Stress causes cortisol which hinders weight loss and/or causes you to gain weight. Try to remain calm and stress-free.
Tips to Manage Cheating
1. Do NOT cheat, you will regret are a few words of wisdoms from other users who have cheated in the past.
Well, guys, it all started with a Mango Mai Tai served in a martini
glass. This was Saturday. I ate a quesadilla, an extra serving of
steak, an extra apple, and so on. This is my second cheating round!
Shoot! I was doing so well, too! I was down twenty pounds... Anyway,
it ended with White Castles. Woe is me... LOL.
* * * * * * * * *
Hello Friends,
Yes I succumbed to the cheating monster. Tuesday I ate a huge
lunch and then Wednesday I ate a huge dinner. Thursday I was up 4 lbs.
This morning I was up another 3 pounds. Now if you don't think 7 pounds
is a big deal let's look at it another way. 7 lbs. = over one week of
weight loss GONE. Think about it. All the effort you have gone
thru to buy and prepare special meals for yourself. All the hard work
of not eating foods that are off limits. All the effort of drinking a
whoooooole gallon of water everyday so that you slosh when you
Another way of looking at it is that I (for me anyway} was in
control of what I put in my mouth and I darn well am going to eat what I
want when I want it. But after I cheated the second day I knew that the
food was in charge and did I want that? Heck no!! I want to lose
weight and be healthy and skinny!! To do that I need to follow Dr. S’
Cheating was a waste of time, of weight loss and of course money.
I hope my saga helps someone because that is what these posts we
make are all about.
2. Do not be afraid of cheating--you have complete control whether you give into temptation or not. Just because someone else has cheated does not mean you will cheat as well. Many, many people have done the protocol without cheating, and you can too. Prepare yourself for the fact that you will *want* to cheat, but *acting* on the thought is your solely decision.
3. Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.
4. Do NOT cheat, this cannot be stated enough, it is a waste of time and money and NOT WORTH IT! Also know that if you cheat, you will gain more than you would not on hCG.
5. To get your mind off of wanting to cheat, focus your attention on something else. You can take a walk, go to the library, movie theater, or visit with friends. It is also nice to find a support system, whether it be through an online group (visit here), a buddy who is following the diet with you, family member(s), etc. Just make sure you have someone to stop you from cheating.
6. Create a cabinet in your kitchen which supports your diet. Store your teas, Stevia, Apple Cider Vinegar, Grissini/Melba, fruit, etc. and use this special place to “snack” with items that are all allowed on the protocol.
7. Do NOT create your own substitutions. Dr. Simeons created a specific list of foods to eat and studied each food intensely. If you start making substitutions, then Dr Simeons' protocol becomes weaker and weaker, and eventually will become completely ineffective. It is the substitutions to the protocol that give the program a bad reputation; it needs to be precisely followed.
8. Do not interfere with your own weight loss success by not following the protocol! Dr Simeons' program eliminates and/or reduces sugar and carbohydrate cravings. However, if sugar and carbohydrates remain in your diet (except for the allowed starch), you are not allowing your body to cleanse and your hypothalamus to reset. These are the key to lifelong success.
9. You don't need to understand why something will or will not work with the Simeons plan. There are many unexplainable factors to the program, you just need to know that substitutions to the protocol causes weight loss to slow. Just because something doesn't make sense to you doesn't mean you should change it. Do not expect to have the results produced on the Simeons protocol if you do not follow the Simeons protocol.
10. Expect to have cravings, be hungry, and moody and expect to want to cheat. These expectations will let you be prepared to control the cravings, hunger, moods, and cheats. Prepare yourself for these feelings, but know that the decision to deviate is yours...stay strong and remember that only you are accountable for everything you put into your mouth.
11. When you feel a craving coming on, go and brush your teeth; this should help the craving pass.
12. Don't disappoint Dr. Simeons, he would not let someone remain on the hCG protocol if he/she cheated more than three times. You need to commit to the program and stay with it!
13. The only way to fix a cheat is to get back on track and tell yourself that you will not cheat. The more you tell yourself that you cannot cheat, the stronger you should feel. If you allow yourself a bite of something, you have already cheated, and you should never make that allowance.
14. When you use food as an emotional crutch, you will find it difficult to cope without that crutch while on the VLCD. You need to fill the empty spot with something healthy that you can enjoy, both on and off the protocol. This will not only reduce cravings, but also help you maintain your new healthy weight. Some possibilities include crafting, painting, walking, gardening.
15. If you go forward and cheat, you have to take responsibility for that cheat. You should feel guilty and unsatisfied, and you will pay for the cheat for three to five days. This can be 3-5 days of the scale going up, or staying the same. You have to pay for your mistakes, and it sure is time consuming. There is nothing you can do except stop cheating and vow to yourself that you will not cheat again.
Does HCG really work?
Have you noticed the major interest that our society has in weight loss? We watch TV and see shows like 'The Biggest Loser' or 'True Life: I'm addicted to food' and see magazines all the time that are scrutinizing the celebrities weight loss or gains. Weight loss is not only a huge focus in our society, it is EVERYWHERE in Utah.
I drive south on I-15 in Utah and catch a glimpse of an HCG weight loss billboard and as I'm driving north on I-15 I catch a glimpse of another, a good 50 miles away. Utah is so plastered with HCG that I must ask the question - does it work?
Does this HCG diet that holds the claim of losing 40 pounds in up to 40 days REALLY work? What about those of us who have struggled with their weight their whole entire life? Does it live up to it's claim? Is it really a "miracle" diet?
I bought my HCG drops locally from a weight loss company here in Utah and I was a bit hesitant at first. I had many friends who (come to find out later) didn't follow the protocol to a T, and told me horror stories of how they ended up getting sick off of the drops. This influenced my decision that this HCG diet may not be all it's cracked up to be. I had been on Weight Watchers for awhile now, and wanted something more... so I figured, what the heck. My body may not be exactly like theirs and so I went with it.
I lost 32 pounds in 27 days. I followed the protocol correctly, ate every single thing it told me to, went through all 3 phases, took the drops 3 times a day, and every single day saw a significant drop in weight. I'm very happy with my success and today, I recommend the HCG diet to anyone who wants to lose weight fast and keep it off!
I drive south on I-15 in Utah and catch a glimpse of an HCG weight loss billboard and as I'm driving north on I-15 I catch a glimpse of another, a good 50 miles away. Utah is so plastered with HCG that I must ask the question - does it work?
Does this HCG diet that holds the claim of losing 40 pounds in up to 40 days REALLY work? What about those of us who have struggled with their weight their whole entire life? Does it live up to it's claim? Is it really a "miracle" diet?
I bought my HCG drops locally from a weight loss company here in Utah and I was a bit hesitant at first. I had many friends who (come to find out later) didn't follow the protocol to a T, and told me horror stories of how they ended up getting sick off of the drops. This influenced my decision that this HCG diet may not be all it's cracked up to be. I had been on Weight Watchers for awhile now, and wanted something more... so I figured, what the heck. My body may not be exactly like theirs and so I went with it.
I lost 32 pounds in 27 days. I followed the protocol correctly, ate every single thing it told me to, went through all 3 phases, took the drops 3 times a day, and every single day saw a significant drop in weight. I'm very happy with my success and today, I recommend the HCG diet to anyone who wants to lose weight fast and keep it off!


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