Saturday, October 2, 2010

Does HCG really work?

Have you noticed the major interest that our society has in weight loss? We watch TV and see shows like 'The Biggest Loser' or 'True Life: I'm addicted to food' and see magazines all the time that are scrutinizing the celebrities weight loss or gains. Weight loss is not only a huge focus in our society, it is EVERYWHERE in Utah.

I drive south on I-15 in Utah and catch a glimpse of an HCG weight loss billboard and as I'm driving north on I-15 I catch a glimpse of another, a good 50 miles away. Utah is so plastered with HCG that I must ask the question - does it work?

Does this HCG diet that holds the claim of losing 40 pounds in up to 40 days REALLY work? What about those of us who have struggled with their weight their whole entire life? Does it live up to it's claim? Is it really a "miracle" diet?

I bought my HCG drops locally from a weight loss company here in Utah and I was a bit hesitant at first. I had many friends who (come to find out later) didn't follow the protocol to a T, and told me horror stories of how they ended up getting sick off of the drops. This influenced my decision that this HCG diet may not be all it's cracked up to be. I had been on Weight Watchers for awhile now, and wanted something more... so I figured, what the heck. My body may not be exactly like theirs and so I went with it.

I lost 32 pounds in 27 days. I followed the protocol correctly, ate every single thing it told me to, went through all 3 phases, took the drops 3 times a day, and every single day saw a significant drop in weight. I'm very happy with my success and today, I recommend the HCG diet to anyone who wants to lose weight fast and keep it off!


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